Halal Safaris was excited to partner with the Tourism Regulatory Authority to participate as a member of the technical committee to review and edit the draft Halal Compliance guidelines.
The Tourism Regulatory Authority was established by the Tourism Act No. 28 of 2011, whose main mandate is to regulate the tourism industry in Kenya. Part of the task is to create guidelines and set measures for sustainable tourism across the country. It is within this framework that TRA developed the Draft Halal Compliance Standard.
The initial draft involved a technical committee comprised of strategically selected stakeholders from both public and private organizations seen by the Authority as key in the sector. In addition, the Authority distributed initial drafts to larger stakeholders for review and criticism. Input from this work was incorporated into second drafts of the Standard and the document was subject to stakeholder approval. However, a final technical committee meeting was required with members involved in drafting the document for approval before it is approved by the board for implementation.
Halal Safaris participated in a technical committee meeting to be held on March 23, 2022 together with members of the Kenya Bureau of Halal Certification, Supreme Council of Kenya Muslims, Kenya University academic, among many others.