To help mitigate the impact of new coronavirus on the local economy, Halal Safaris has started a #StayHome #TravelTomorrow campaign that asks future travelers to buy donate to charities in Lamu in exchange a 15% discount to travel anytime until end of 2021.
Feel free to join us to make difference in the local community in any way you can by donating to Safari Doctors to provide free medical care or Lamu Youth Alliance to provide economic relief in Lamu. Contact us at for more information. Claim your voucher by emailing us your receipt and payment confirmation at
Safari Doctors
Instagram/Facebook/Twitter: @safaridoctors. Website:
Safari Doctors is a charitable organization that provides free medical care to marginalized communities in Lamu. The organisation designed a poster in Kiswahili to raise awareness on how to prevent the spread of coronavirus in Lamu. They also have distributed several cleaning and medical supplies to assist with dealin with the pandemic. 100% of the proceeds will support their June Medical Sail, helping the team reach over 1,000 people in need of health services, and at least 200 animals with their Safari Vets programme. Each monthly outreach costs Safari Doctors $5,000, during which the team travels to 15 remote villages, by boat and road, over 6 days. You can support Safari Doctors online via credit card internationally, or donate via mobile banking using M-PESA (in Kenya): MPESA Pay Bill: 516600 Account: 0430434023002.

Lamu Youth Alliance
Website: Twitter: @lamuyouth Instagram: @lamuyouth Facebook: @lamuyouthalliance
Lamu Youth Alliance we have been tirelessly fighting for many years to protect our youth from turning to violent groups or violent actions to support their basic needs. The organization has started sewing masks, providing relief food, and raising awareness to help prevent the virus. LYA is requesting funds to provide food packages to the most vulnerable in the community. They have specifically targeted households that are headed by an elderly person, are single-parent households, have an unreliable income source, or have large family members. They wish to provide up to 5,000 households with food packages including; rice, beans, cooking oil, maize and wheat flour.

We are giving 15% off travel vouchers to Lamu to anyone who donates over $20 (2,000Ksh) to Lamu Youth Alliance. We have a special campaign for Kenyans who can also donate their bonga points.